Friday, June 01, 2007

Who am I?!

Hi, I'm Djinanna. Welcome to my profile.

I'm a feminist. I'm a fangirl. I'm a crazy cat lady. I'm a neo-pagan. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm gonna be when I grow up. More (details, more topics) follows randomly in the journal place.

For whatever it's worth, I'm also Djinanna at all the following places:
Djinanna/Blogger ~ Djinanna/Blurty
Djinanna/DeadJournal ~ Djinanna/Diaryland
Djinanna/GreatestJournal ~ Djinanna/InsaneJournal
Djinanna/JournalFen ~ Djinanna/LiveJournal
Djinanna/Vox ~ Djinanna/Xanga

I'm also Djinanna on Twitter and AIM.

If you need to, you can email me at: djinanna at gmail dot com

Mandatory Warning Label:
So-called "adult" content -- "sex, drugs and rock'n'roll", also erotica (aka kink, aka porn) or at least discussion of same, slash, personal opinions, religion, politics, pop-culture commentary, writing how-to's and even occasional squeeing over fangrrl-esque obsessions. And there will be descriptions of cute cat antics. What's theirs is theirs and what's mine is mine; I'm not claiming any different. Original content © me.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

::taptaptap:: Is this thing on?

This is a test post. This is just a test post. Had this been an actual post, there would have been actual content included. Instead, there's just this....